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A hobby that pays and improves your dexterity

A hobby that pays and improves your dexterity

A hobby that pays and improves your dexterity

A big hello to all the keen hobbyists and lovely creative people!

I hope you all have been keeping healthy, in mind, body and soul. 

During these complicated times when we constantly search for activities to  engage our minds, make us confident and are fun to do, we bring you a hobby that ticks all the boxes. So, what am I talking about? I’m referring to making a kind of fabric!

You can use it to make useful garment items, cute baby clothes, stylish table covers and even add oomph to an existing piece of ‘plain jane’ linen or curtain to make the furnishings look classy. If you haven’t guessed it already, I am talking of crocheting. This French art form of the 17th century can add timeless beauty and class to any project. And the best part of it all is that we would need just a yarn and a crochet needle!

This skill is easily acquired and in case you don’t have someone to teach it to you personally, don’t lose heart! There are thousands of YouTube videos that can help you learn the techniques; some of the popular ones with beginners are the @crochetcraft kiduniya -, @HookedbyRobin - , @captaincrochet - , @lyzawalters -

You may start with learning to crochet lovely single or rainbow coloured ‘Granny Squares’ and then upgrade your skill to make cosy blankets, elegant shawls, baby clothes, exquisite skirts and gowns or beautiful bedspreads. When one masters crocheting pretty items, one can even sell them from the comfort of their homes using any social media platforms like Facebook or WhatsApp. An exclusive quality about crochet projects, unlike knitting, is that most crochet stitches cannot be replicated by a machine and so, it makes them unique human endeavours.


The greater health advantage of crocheting is that it increases your motor skills, that means, whether you wish to improve your handwriting or your dexterity as a surgeon, crocheting benefits all. Not only that, it can help in keeping your mind focussed on a constructive thing rather than worry and stress on issues that are actually not important. So, if you are just a hobbyist, a student or a professional, you will find this inclusive world of crochet an enriching and rewarding experience. Well then, go on and get busy looping chains and slipping stitches and bask in all the praise which will surely come your way!

[Images Courtesy :]

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